Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Overwhelmingly Precious

Photo by my husband

As I sit here at my computer, I confess that I'm feeling rather overwhelmed. I see numerous piles of papers that I need to file away. I see jewelry projects covering this surface and taking over that space. I'm also thinking about the many things I need to seriously sit down and try to figure out...like how do I feed my children healthy and tasty food when I have a modest budget and their appetites are anything but modest? (I'm mean these boys can eat and they're not teenagers, not even close. For example, I bought a bag of apples on Sunday and it was gone in less than 24 hours. Yes, I'm very happy that their go-to snacks are apples but it does present a problem of how to provide enough apples when there isn't an orchard in our backyard.) And what about all of those fun projects that we're supposed to be doing as a homeschool family? We did a couple of little experiments with static electricity today but come on, we're not exactly carving Mt. Rushmore into a sweet potato. And now my youngest C is scratching a game of tic tac toe onto his arm with a rogue skewer from our science kit. And did I mention that the skin on my face has decided to freak out a bit and create some new topographical features for me? Eek! What a day.

And yet, I know these days of little ones swirling around me and Legos and puzzle pieces crunching under foot and pile upon pile of carefully colored drawings are fleeting. I have to pause and appreciate what my day has held. Like when my 3Cs told me that I'm so pretty that they want to faint. (Isn't a son's love for his mama just the best?) And when my middle C laid down on his back and pedaled his feet (also fondly referred to as potatoes) in the air to ask if he could go on a bike ride. And when my littlest C gave me the tiniest foam duck that he had decorated with little square stickers as a gift. And when my oldest C admitted that working on writing a paragraph wasn't so bad. Ahh... these are the days of my life...overwhelmingly precious.

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