Thursday, December 29, 2011

Modern Cottage

I'm loving this modern take on a country cottage...

Photograph: Stuart McIntyre
Words/styling: Katrine Martensen-Larsen

What a surprising and lovely contrast this country home creates with its traditional exterior and modern interior. My favorites? The white wood floors, the oversized map, the soothing neutrals in the master bedroom, the charming children's bedroom, the reading nook with a loft above(!) and, of course, the Hobbit-like playhouse. Loveliness everywhere!

Thanks to My Scandinavian Retreat for the introduction to KML Design.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Salt: (Beautifully) Contained at Last

You may remember when I posted about not having a salt cellar for my Celtic sea salt  here Well, thanks to my sweet husband, I now have this pretty dish and spoon for my salt. I'm so impressed that he remembered. Yay! for thoughtful husbands. Yay! for pretty dishes. Yay! for no more salty fingers.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Trio of Calendars

I have so much that I want to get organized and planned before the new year. I think a beautiful calendar is in store to make this overwhelming task more enjoyable. I would love to consult any one of these lovely calendars for a stylish look at 2012.  I hope you find this Trio of Calendars to be as inspiring as I do...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Rest and a Poinsettia Set

Hello! Did you have a wonderful Christmas? I hope so! We certainly did. We were blessed with awesome times of worship at church on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. We enjoyed a very fun and chaotic time with our 3Cs (our house is now an utter mess of new toys, books, clothes, etc.) and we spent lovely time with our families. Today's agenda: rest. So here's just a quick post to say hello and send you wishes for a restful holiday week.

p.s. My Pop commissioned me to make something for him to give my Mom for Christmas. Wasn't that sweet of him? So since he traditionally gives my Mom poinsettias every year, including this one, I decided to make the above poinsettia necklace and earrings for her. I think they were both pleased.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!

Can you believe we're only two days away from Christmas? This week has flown right on by. We had our community group from church over for a Christmas party and White Elephant exchange on Wednesday. What prize did we come away with? A big ole pink Snuggie. Yup. I haven't used it yet but once I wash it, I can see the usefulness of draping myself in that bubble gum pink blanket with arms. It won't be a pretty sight but I'll be warm. Which is really important now that we have another winter wonderland outside. But I'm not complaining. I love it. I was out on a date with my husband last night (yay for date nights!) and the softly falling snow was gorgeous. And now I have an added incentive to use my Snuggie. Am I ready for Christmas you ask? Nope. Not even close. I have nothing wrapped. Truly nothing. I'm pretty sure I haven't finished shopping completely. And I'm working on some top secret jewelry as gifts. And as far as making goodies goes, well, I don't even know what to say about that. But really, it's not all about that stuff anyway. Simply put, it's about Jesus. So as I rush to finish all these details, I want to give Him the glory and thanks for giving me loved ones to give gifts to and granting me beautiful, snowy days to enjoy and surrounding me with all the loveliness of this season. And mostly, I thank Him for giving Himself. May you have a blessed Christmas, celebrating and creating new memories, enjoying good company and delicious food, and meditating on the wonder of new born King.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Eye Poetry

Wow. Eye Poetry Photography couldn't have a more apt name. Aren't these prints stunning? I would love a print or two hanging on my walls. The only difficulty would be narrowing my choices down. But since this is my little space to collect all sorts of loveliness, I happily don't have to narrow anything down. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Won't You Rifle Through Some Papers With Me?

I am loving these adorable paper goods from Rifle Paper Co.

Hat Collection Print

Assorted Hello Cards

Canine Coaster Set

Animal Alphabet Chart Print

From prints to cards to coasters, a walk through Rifle Paper Co.'s goods is such a treat. With this last item, you can choose from 21 different pre-illustrated portraits to have personalized notes or calling cards made. Cute, no? 

Pretty Pairing

I've had a really hard time paring down this Pretty Pairing. So I decided to not edit my list. I know, I know. It's because I'm totally biased when it comes to my Charcoal Gray Flower Necklace. I admit it. I simply love this necklace and I think it goes with just about everything...

Charcoal Gray Flower Necklace

I think it could go high style for an evening out... 


And I think it would pair nicely with a more casual knit dress...

Garnet Hill

And, of course, it would feel right at home with a feather-light cardi...

Belle Cardi
I hope you've enjoyed my Pretty Pairing times 3!

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Made-to-Order Day

Happy Monday to you! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a very busy one. Today also has been busy but, thankfully, productive. It isn't often that we see snow coming down all day but today is one of those days, and baking cookies has kept me toasty warm. It's just the kind of weather one would order up for the week before Christmas. And when I wasn't baking, I was putting together some packages and gearing up for a trip to the post office (yet to be accomplished.) Inside one of my packages are these custom order pieces...

This necklace and these earrings have been fun to make and I can't wait to get them in the mail. If you're interested in ordering a customized item, you can email me at or send me a note on Etsy by using the Conversation tab here (click on the heart at the top of the page.) I'd love to work on something special and unique for you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Blossom and Tree...Come and See

I've been popping some new items into my Shop...

Periwinkle Blossom Ring

Graphite Tree Necklace

...and the matching Graphite Little Tree Earrings

Everything from my display board above is now in the Shop...Charcoal and Lavender Hair Pins, Lavender Little Bloom Earrings, Charcoal and Pink Hair Pins and the matching Pink Little Bloom Earrings. (There are also Charcoal Little Bloom Earrings in my Shop that coordinate with either set of hair pins.) The Graphite Tree Necklace above, which matches the Graphite Little Tree earrings, is a great value so check it out. You'll find other fun, new items in my Shop as well. And don't forget the holiday sale that is currently running.

Sadness and Joy and Hope

Shortly after I had posted my colorful and cheerful post yesterday, I received sad news. A sweet friend of mine passed away after battling a rare and aggressive form of cancer. I say sad news, of course, because she will be greatly missed by her husband, her children and her friends. And yet, it is also joyful news because we know that she is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and her suffering has ended. Joy mixed with sadness. Earlier this week, there was the joyful news of some friends seeing their long wait to become parents come to a close as their soon-to-be-adopted son was born and placed in their eagerly awaiting arms. The picture of my friend joyfully, wondrously bonding with her son was a beautiful sight to behold. And so, this mingling of joy and sadness is swirling within me. My emotions are here and there but my Hope in the One, who was humbly born in a manger, lived a perfect life, died for sinners like me and rose again, is fixed and constant.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Have a Colorful Day

I'm enjoying these lovely images from Dutch stylist, Barbara Groen, as seen on Decor8.

Her compositions are beautiful and her use of color is exquisite. I love both the muted and vibrant shades she uses. And speaking of color, I was also captured by this colorful Swedish home.

Isn't that blue gorgeous? A staircase here, a bookcase there...and the bathroom tiles...touches of color to brighten every space.